Take the lead, get vaccinated


THE news on safety measures being implemented at the Waigani Court House implies that vaccination is practically compulsory now.
We are caught in a cross-road between someone’s human rights and another’s health.
The uneducated and illiterate will come to their senses with the reality of Coronavirus (Covid-19) and its implications on humanity in this country and around the world.
It will take time for them to accept and understand the devastating impacts of what we are experiencing.
I urge the so-called educated ones, leaders and the intelligent population of this nation to take the lead in taking the Covid-19 vaccine to encourage our brothers and sisters of our families to follow.
You should understand the logic, rationale and the truth behind this pandemic and your exemplary action should set this nation free from fear and conspiracy theories that turn the hearts and mind away from the current reality of the pandemic in Papua New Guinea.
In PNG, the onus is on the few remaining elites such as you and I today to look after ourselves, put aside our egos, pride and start living for the underprivileged and marginalised.
It is time to share what we have and be caring, prevent violence of all forms, promote peaceful communities and building strong foundations for families to live on.
Covid-19 is real and is causing a humanitarian crises.
The pandemic is having a catastrophic impact right across the planet.
Covid-19 has depleted various resources.
It has exhausted and stressed out manpower strength and put a strain on governments.
It seems that where there is human habitation, the virus is likely to be present, reproduce and multiply because the human body is the host.
As pointed out, vaccination is the way to go. But due to differing views circulated on social media by sceptics and conspiracy theorists, the pandemic response controller and his team should cautiously implement the vaccination rollout.
Vaccination should remain voluntary.
Only time will determine whether vaccination is successful or not.
Due to the increasing number of Covid-19 cases, it is fair to say that we are all exposed to the virus.
Let us all comply with all measures under the New Normal.
If you are a Bible-believing Christian or if you belong to other religious minority groups in this country, you should take the lead in taking the vaccine because you believe in goodness, humility, gratitude, kindness, love, faithfulness, tolerance, forgiveness and peace.

Philip W Ukuni,
Mt Hagen