Tax the rich and MPs more

Letters, Normal

The National

I refer to the Sumkar MP Ken Fairweather’s recent comments in the media about raising value added taxs (VAT) from the current 10% to 15% to cover for school fees.
It is good that he has highlighted an important issue because of the hard life faced by many Papua New Guineans today. 
But I have one question for Mr Fairweather.
Is it fair that everyone should be made to pay an additional 5% for VAT?
My suggestion is to leave the current 10% VAT but raise another 5%-10% in taxes for the MPs, executives and the rich so that the burden is taken off the small people’s shoulders.
If you want an example, look at Australia.
The gap between the rich and poor is small because of good tax schemes it has in place where the rich pay more taxes because they can afford it.


Andy Powa