Teach kids languages, ethics, not religion


IT is not the lack of religion, it is the lack of accountability that is holding this nation back.
Religion, specifically Christianity, is almost everywhere in this country.
You cannot go anywhere without coming across a church.
So many splinters, it’s worse than a broken tree branch.
Most of these splinters are nothing more than pyramid schemes.
But nobody raises any alarm. They say ‘God will judge them’.
That’s just stupidity.
When someone snatches your phone, do you leave it and say, God will judge them? No.
You alert the relevant authorities and arrest them.
It’s the same.
There’s no difference between the wrong and the wrong.
Our leaders who say that religious education should be mandatory in schools are just not thinking.
The forced indoctrination of your ideology on someone else’s child is undemocratic.
It’s something you would expect in a dictatorship.
What Papua New Guineans lack is not religion, it’s a well-functioning moral compass.
We are all born with a sense of what is right and wrong, but it’s our society and culture that pushes some things into a grey area, such as wantok system and bribery.
What our education system needs is a complete overhaul.
Teach our kids about our culture and which of them is not acceptable in this age.
Teach our kids about our history, our languages, about ethics and manners.
We are not Australians, we should have our own system that balances between our culture and the ever-changing world.

Tony Lazuto
Poisonous Miok

One thought on “Teach kids languages, ethics, not religion

  • Spot on Tony Lazuto! Our society has many different cultural systems with their own in-built moral and ethical standards. Despite the diversity, they all have in common the basic concepts of respect, oneness and care. All cultures in our society also have in common the concept of a spiritual world and a creator – that is why Christianity was easily embraced by our forefathers. What is needed now is for us to understand each others’ cultural backgrounds better so that we learn to respect and live together as one people in the one nation.

    Arim Sam

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