Teacher writes book to motivate other teachers


A TEACHER has written a book about motivating teachers in the country to give their best to students.
Kenny Ambiasi, from Pundia in Imbonggu, Southern Highlands, has written his first book titled, ‘Understanding Success – A teacher’s Perspective’.
Ambiasi said teachers could not continue to encourage students to be successful in life if teachers were not setting the standard.
“You can’t continue to tell students to be successful in life when you as a teacher struggle in some areas of your life.
Teachers should have visions so they carry out their duty diligently,” Ambiasi said.
The book took Ambiasi a year to write and was published by the Simbu Writers Association in April and printed by United States-based Amazon printers.
He said his book addressed some of the struggles and hardships faced by PNG teachers and identified some necessary approaches needed to overcome the struggles.
“The book is all about motivating teachers to perform to the best of their ability.
“When teachers are struggling, they can’t give their best to the students,” he said.
Ambiasi is currently a grade 11 mathematics teacher at the Port Moresby National High School and has taught at various schools for the past nine years.
“I’ve been teaching at a number of schools and I’ve realised that many teachers don’t lead what they preach and most of them are actually struggling in life.”
Ambiasi said social relationship, finance and commitment were some of the main difficulties that teachers faced and were highlighted in his book.
“The government can talk about quality teaching but if there are no quality teachers, there won’t be any quality and effective teaching taking place.
“When teachers are struggling, they can’t give their best to the students.”

One thought on “Teacher writes book to motivate other teachers

  • It about time teachers take back PNG through education. We salute you for the book you wrote.

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