TFF policy


I, AS a patriotic citizen and student, would like to express my view on how the tuition-fee free (TFF) policy has been implemented since its formulation.
The Papua New Guinea Government’s directives on educational policies are expected to be implemented effectively throughout the country, in educational institutions that are solely or partly funded by the government.
The free education policy (FEP), also known as tuition-fee free policy (TFFP) is a Government directive that is implemented in elementary, primary and secondary schools.
The implementation is perceived as a device for fulfilling the national Government’s Universal Basic Education (UBE) Plan that aims to provide formal education for children between the ages of six and 18.
The 2012 implementation of FEP in secondary schools created a significant increase in student population, creating class sizes to exceed 48 students.
With this growth, there are now struggles of delivering quality education to these students.
The national education ratio of teacher to students per class is one teacher is to 30 students.
Since the introduction of the Government’s TFFP in 2011, the number of students in a class has risen to 50.
Most schools are facing financial difficulties in building classrooms to cater for the increasing number of students.
I therefore urge the government to invest more in the education sector. Build more classrooms and increase teachers’ salaries.
Create more job opportunities for our graduates.

Nason Mul Solo