The burden of Chinese loans


CHINA is now exerting more control and influence around world.
This is clearly manifested in the private investment and public investment it has in the Pacific region.
In the private sector, China is now actively investing in mining, gas, retail, wholesale, and property in Papua New Guinea.
In the public sector, China is funding investments in public assets such as the construction of roads, Government buildings, utilities, and conference facilities in PNG.
Apart from investments in the retail and wholesale business in PNG, all other private and public sector investments by China are funded by Chinese loans.
The construction of properties, roads, conference facilities, water and sewerage systems, public buildings, utilities, and other types of infrastructure in Port Moresby and elsewhere in PNG are all funded by loans from the Chinese government or institutions which are linked to or are controlled by the Chinese government.
These loans will be repaid by the current and future generations of PNG through their taxes.
Clearly, China is not providing aid to PNG, except a debt load which PNG will struggle to repay in the future.
The Government needs to concentrate on securing more aid funding from China which is non-repayable, and does not impose a tax burden on the future generations of PNG.

Concerned taxpayer