Throw rubbish at right places


RUBBISH in our cities and towns is a problem every one is responsible for.
When a person we are in company with throws rubbish in public places, we do not tell them to pick it up and put it in the bins provided by authorities.
We are afraid of response such as – wok blo city council (it is the city council’s responsibility).
When you think about it, if one million people drop rubbish that is a million more rubbish in public places/areas and by the minutes so much rubbish is around public areas.
This rubbish is collected at a cost by the city council or contractors.
If we put our rubbish in bins provided, the cost of collecting rubbish around the public areas will be saved.
Those saved funds would go to more valuable use such as road repairs, office renovations, office equipment to provide better service.
We do not think this is a problem but look at our cities and towns public areas.
Look at your residences in town or your village.
Have a think about this and let’s do the right thing.

pv – PNGean