Time to embrace new technology

Letters, Normal

I REFER to the letter “Electronic records the way forward?” by Sam Kaima (The National, Sept 17).
Firstly, I agree with the writer that we must support the Constitution and Law Reform Commission (CLRC) for electronic records to be made admissible in the court of law.
As the writer mentioned, computer technology is here to stay and PNG will have to go with the technology.
Societies that are ignorant on computer technology, especially electronic media, will not survive long.
Paper days are numbered and, remember, we are now in the 21st century.
Secondly, the writer’s main concern is the preservation of electronic records in PNG, especially for later generations.
Fear will always slow down the progress of taking new ventures because you know there are risks involved.
However, risks are always part of initiatives which PNG will have to take and go forward.
It is now time for every stakeholder in the law and justice sector, organisations and individuals in PNG to start accepting electronic data and information.
Plans and methods must be put in place to come up with evidences of proof when it comes to using electronic records.
We cannot sit by and let technology bypass us while we still do business in the traditional way.
The writer also raised questions about today’s software and hardware compatibility with future hardware and software.
These are questions that our IT brains will have to answer.
I, as IT personnel, would say that everything is possible with electronic records.
You can store electronic data for as long as you want and they are retrievable as long as you are careful and do the right thing.
I cannot say everything but the basic consideration is “electronic documents created with the older versions of software and hardware are always compatible with the newer versions but the newer versions are always incompatible with older version”.
This means today’s documents can be read in the future.
It is time to go into a paperless society and I am happy Divine Word University is initiating that.
The only barrier that needs removal is the old brains in PNG Government and public sector as they are fearful of technology.
This is because they fear they cannot cope and will lose their jobs.
This will slow down our nation’s progress and we will always play catch up with new technologies.
PNG need young people who are fresh and up-to-date with technological events to bring our nation forward.
Electronic record and computer technology is the way forward.
Every organisation in PNG, regardless of the size, must prepare to go paperless.
It is time to make plans and start organising.


Francis Wau
Mt Hagen