Time to organise SHP public service

Letters, Normal

The Nationl, Thursday 13th September, 2012

I WISH to comment on a report calling on the SHP governor to “screen for qualified public servants and employ them on merit” (The National, Sept 3).
The governor claimed that he has a good plan for the province but had some reservations and expressed his desire to restructure the public service.
Why so when not long ago, all public servants were confirmed to the positions they now hold?
One possible reason could be the need for a smaller bureaucracy to meet the challenges of a new and smaller province.
If that is the case, the restructure is warranted.
There are serious questions about the efficiency of the public service in
SHP and it is time this is ad­dressed.
There are enough qualified Southern Highlanders wanting to come in.
Create an inventory or a list of SHP intellectuals as right now, we do not know who are out there.

Esenda, SHP