TISOL Monster Raffle a hit

Lae News, Normal

CHRISTMAS came early at The International School of Lae (TISOL) when the Parents and Friends Association drew the winners of their ‘Monster raffle’ at an assembly last Friday.
TISOL principal Andrew Read said he was overwhelmed by the support received from the local business community.
“Businesses in Lae are amongst the most generous I have come across, they have helped make this raffle hugely successful,” he said.
Because all the prizes were donated, the money raised would contribute towards the learning and enjoyment of children attending the school.
“This will make their educational experience so much brighter,” Mr Read said.
He was also impressed with the students’ efforts in selling more than 5,500 tickets.
“What a fantastic effort by our wonderful children,” he said. 
The three students who sold the most tickets were acknowledged at the assembly: Ezmae Warnecke, Renee Seeto and the Uruaka family.
First prize winner, Margaret, was overcome with joy when told of her good fortune.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she exclaimed, too emotional to put her feelings into words.
The second and third prize winners were also Lae locals who were very thankful for their good luck.