Traffic jams due to blocks

Lae News, Normal

The National, Thursday, June 9th 2011

ROADBLOCKS on the Butibam and Busu roads is resulting in heavily congested traffic in Lae city causing long delays in for people going to work.
The majority of the working people live on the two stretches on Butibam and from Malahang to Butibam.
They either arrive at work very late or simply go back home because the Back Road stretch of Busu Road between Second Seven Cemetery and Malahang is closed.
The Butibam Road is still closed after a drunk driver ran over an elderly man from the village last month.
And more recently two women were severely injured by a speeding driver.
Despite having companies drop-off and pick-up vehicles, traffic was jammed at the three main roundabouts of Milfordhaven and Huon, Huon and Bumbu near Andersons Foodland and at Butibam and Bumbu Road, at Kamkumung.
PMV buses operating along the Kamkumung route have raised the bus fare from Bumayong to Top Town and main market to K2 per person.
The road passing Kamkumung roundabout linking Hengali village and runs through Butibam is blocked.
All vehicles to Malahang, East and West Taraka have to take long drives to Voco Point, then to Angau Memorial Hospital, PNG Fire Service, Eriku, Kamkumung and then to Taraka.
Butibam villagers are still waiting to find out who will pay for the death of the elderly man, who was killed instantly, and buried the next day and for the two women now nursing injuries at Angau Memorial Hospital.