Training boosts security firm’s skills


RAIBUS Security Services Ltd has undergone a week-long basic security training that places the firm in a better position to accommodate any security issues faced along its line of services.
The firm is Ramu Nickel Cobalt (Ramu NiCo) project’s landowner company in Madang.
According to a statement from the mine management, the guards were taught the principles and consequences of security issues on terrorism, counterfeit products, illicit drugs, arms trafficking, institutional drugs and other global, regional and national security issues during the training at its Kurumbukari (KBK) mine.
Raibus human resources manager and training coordinator Jimmy Baida said given the complication of security issues today with advanced technology, the security firm was adamant in training its guards to be equipped with knowledge and skills to deal with any security situation.
“Under the theme ‘training for a change’ the company management aims at training and equipping its guards to change with the times and deal with complicated security issues now arising,” he said.
Baida said other subjects covered included bomb threat procedures.