Tribunal set for Manoka investigation

Main Stories, National

The National, Monday February 24th, 2014

 CHIEF Justice Sir Salamo Inja has appointed a leadership tribunal to investigate allegations of misconduct in office by the Independent Consumer Competition Commission’s Dr Billy Manoka.

Sir Salamo said in a statement the allegations related to Manoka’s failure to submit three annual returns from 2008 to 2010.

The tribunal consists of Justice Salatiel Lenalia as chairman, with senior magistrates Ignatius Kurei and Rossie Johnson as members.

The appointment of the tribunal followed a request from Public Prosecutor Pondoros Kaluwin to Sir Salamo about the duties and responsibilities of leadership under the organic law.

The tribunal will start its enquiry on March 24 in the Waigani National Court.

Sir Salamo said Manoka was notified of the tribunal’s appointment.