TSC must look into teachers’ problems


THIS letter is supporting one from last week on the Teaching Service Commission delay in solving pending teaching issues.
As of Jan 21, TSC has put a notice warning all teachers to be at their respective schools.
TSC office will be closed for indefinite period.
Any teacher not in school and found around TSC office will be put off 2019 payroll.
This warning is not new but old.
Similar warning have been given every year.
Without solving concern teachers’ issues, how can you expect them to give their 100 per cent in school?
If you are not paid, how can you teach with empty stomach and look after your family needs?
Last Friday, when TSC did not solve some teachers’ issues, they literally cried and went home.
Come on TSC, wake up and come up with new ideas to solve teachers’ issues quickly.
This nonsense cannot continue every year.
Teachers are coming straight to TSC office because their provincial office cannot help them.
Why are you sending teachers back to provincial offices?
Most of the teacher’s issues have been pending and collecting dust at Education head office at Fincorp Haus. Some tips to TSC to solve the backlog:

  • An officer must be assigned to liaise with provinces to put all new graduates on payroll by April;
  • any teacher continuing to teach without pay for one year should be put onto payroll as they have sacrificed a lot;
  • all pay suspension issues must be investigated and solve within three fortnights; and,
  • All senior teaching appointments must be properly screened candidates to fit teaching eligibility level and ethics standards.

Classroom Slave
Somewhere in the jungles of PNG