Understanding mine’s status


The status of Ramu Nickel and Cobalt Mine has reached extreme point of concern and requires accurate information to be made known to the resource owners and the Madang people.
All parties have to understand the initial inception of the mine to its current stage.
According to the records, a company known as the Carpenters sold the mining licence to Highlands Pacific and later MCC, developer of Ramu Nickel and Cobalt project purchase the licence from Highlands Pacific.
To operate the mining, a meeting was convened in Beijing, China and an agreement was signed basing on compulsory land acquisition between the developer MCC, respective MPs of Madang and the Government in which Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare reigned as prime minister and former MP James Yali was the governor of Madang.
Current Madang Governor, Peter Yama was then MP for Usino-Bundi but was not a member of the party that went to Beijing.
Yama is now backing the indigenous people of Madang to sue MCC for the damages done to the sea.
Madang Government is fighting against piles of lawsuits and propagandas to deliver services to the rural population of Madang.

Luwi James