United we stand divided we fall

Letters, Normal

The National, Wednesday 30th November 2011

I WONDER when we will ever get over our ethic differences and really start developing PNG.
I fail to understand why Anglimp tertiary students are concerned whether their district should be in the newly-created Jiwaka province or remain in Western Highlands.
It does not matter what language you or I speak, or what tribe, region, area, or province you and I come from.
We are all Papua New Guineans.
We must learn to embrace this fact as intellectuals and encourage our people to do the same.
The more we divide and define where we come from, the more we contribute to division and disagreements and, ultimately, our downfall.
As the saying goes “United we stand divided we fall”. 
We are sending out the wrong message to our friends, family and society.
Are we going to continue doing that?
How far has PNG come since independence?
Candidates who lose in the election are taking the winners to court while their tribes and supporters battle it out at home.
What good have we done by fighting over things that do not benefit us in any way? 
The world has little knowledge of PNG’s existence, let alone our tribes.
What do we hope to prove by fighting each other?
While we fight for land, identity rights, power and everything else, the majority of our people are suffering. 
It is time for every tribe to put aside their differences and rise up to embrace our unique cultures and languages with a united goal – to see PNG prosper.
Let us contribute to our development, not downfall.
After all, we are all not going anywhere but are here to stay.
So isn’t it better to start building today for a better tomorrow?
Proverbs 23:7 says “for as a man thinketh in his heart so is he”.
Let us all work together in small ways to keep PNG moving forward and progress to the future.
God bless PNG!

Via emai