University study is challenging



IN LAST week’s article, I gave you some tips on how to choose a programme of studies to do well in your next level of studies.
The main point is to follow your area of interest.

My teacher’s words
Here is a nice tip from a teacher of mine.
My grade 12 mathematics teacher told me over 30 years ago that whenever you want to choose a career or field of study, try choosing something that you are interested in, not something that you are forced to do, or find difficult to work with.
That is one of the best pieces of advice that I got from a teacher regarding choosing your future career.

University studies will be
In this week’s article, I want to talk about the challenges of university studies.
If you do not know this yet, you should be aware that thousands of students will enter university or colleges for their studies but many of those who enter university will not pass their first year.
Those who pass first year by the skin of their teeth may not pass their second and third years.
There are many people who have entered university years ago but have not completed their programme of studies because they did not pass certain courses and had to be forced to be withdrawn by the institution.
That is sad, but it happens.
For many of those who failed to complete their programme of studies, many of them would exit the institution and may never return later. They may find a job and getting a pay cheque would be more important to them than the wish to return to the institution and continue from where they left off.

Why do students fail studies?
So, why is it that many university students fail to pass their courses at university?
It is likely that many of those students who entered universities as grade 12 school leavers failed to pass some of their courses because they were either not aware, or forgot, that university study is not the same as studies at secondary school.
Here are some differences between university study and studies at the secondary level.
Firstly, study at university is delivered at a fast pace. At secondary level you can spend a whole week on a subtopic whereas at university one or two lessons is sufficient for a subtopic.
Secondly, at university you have lectures, which are delivered by a lecturer and there would not be any question time given for the instructor to gauge whether the students understand what is being presented.
Some lecturers may not be able to deliver a session like a skilful teacher who can show you a number of ways of doing something.
Thirdly, in university you are your own boss. At secondary school, a teacher will tell you when to wake up, when to go for breakfast, lunch and dinner and instruct you when to go to sleep. In university, you will have to exercise a lot of self-discipline to keep up with your studies.
People often fail not because they do not possess ability but because they were not self-disciplined.

Tips to do well in university studies
If you are a grade 12 student, or someone preparing to start university studies, and are reading this, do take note.
You have to develop some important skills and habits to help you succeed at the college or university level. Remember, university studies is going to be tough.
Here are a few important tips on how to can succeed in university studies.
Firstly, learn to be organised. Draw up your study timetable so you spend sufficient time in your different subjects.
Secondly, attend all lectures, tutorials and practicals. Do not skip lessons.
If you skip a day’s lessons you have to put in more hours to catch up.
Thirdly, learn to work with others. Do not try to isolate yourself from others.
Fourthly, ask questions when you do not understand something. Do not act like you know something when you do not.
Fifthly, read well. Learn to work with your textbook and other recommended material. Try to learn about other interest areas as well. I like to read novels when I was studying science. That was one of my hobbies. That helped me with my reading skills.
Sixthly, join other clubs or societies and learn from them as well. Make time to relax in working with others, as in playing a sport or promoting health awareness in schools.
Seventhly, do not waste your time in meaningless activities, like watching free TV all night long so that you are tired for classes the next day.
Take care too that you do not spend too much time on social media that you forget to complete your assignments or study for a test.

Why you must do well in studies
There are a number of reasons why you should work hard to do well in your university studies.
If you work hard and score good grades, you can be allowed to pursue higher degrees, like a master’s degree.
Furthermore, some employers look at the grades on a student’s transcript before asking him or her to come for an interview for a job.
If you score bad grades, you may have a hard time getting a job.
Be aware of that.
If you score bad grades in your first year, you may be asked to repeat the two semesters two years from now. That may be costly for your parents too.
Education at the tertiary level is getting more costly year by year.
Think about that.

University education is a privilege
Remember, university education is a privilege.
Not many people are offered that.
So, make use of it and your life ahead could be brighter for you.
It helps you develop your mind too as a person and you can do much more later in life.
Next week: The unsuccessful student can work the land.

• Thomas Hukahu is a freelance writer.