Violence costing companies

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MANY companies are losing up to K3 million a year due to Family And Sexual Violence (FASV), says Business Coalition for Women (BCFW) executive director Evonne Kennedy.
“This was the finding of an Overseas Development Institute (ODI) research in 2017 which we assisted,” she said.
“That is why many companies recognise FASV is impacting them and are stepping up to help address it within the workplace.”
Kennedy said the costs included time away from work, absenteeism and lack of productivity at work.
“Many work hours are lost when employees do not turn up for work due to FASV,” she said.
“Employees also lose out when they are penalised.
“Termination results in time wasted on rehiring and training.
“So, adding up all these FASV-associated costs, the cost for a business is quiet significant.”
Kennedy said 58 companies had joined the coalition and the number was growing.
“Companies in the coalition implement the FASV policy and provide the information and support people need,” she said.
“This actually reduces the costs to the business, and it is allowing the business to keep working whilst having the opportunity for staff to get the help they need as well.
“While they know that it is a cost to business, they also know that it is actually a good thing to do.
“It is a social imperative to support not only their staff but the the community as well. The family and sexual violnce rate in PNG is higher than the world’s rate.”
“Thus, the Government, organisations and communities need to work together to address it sooner than later.”