Vision 2050 unlikely to bring desired progress

Letters, Normal

NOW that the Vision 2050 has been launched, let us remind ourselves of the glaring evidence before us which shows an inherent tendency of successive PNG governments and its agencies to get it wrong when it comes to delivering the much needed services to our people.
I am sure one does not need to be a rocket scientist to realise that:
* There are no education services in many rural areas and the few existing ones are in advance stage of deterioration;
* There are no health services in most rural communities;
* There are no roads for the majority of the rural population;
* There is an acute shortage of housing/accommodation for the growing urban populace, hence the growth of undesirable settlements; 
* There is an alarming increase in law and order problems;
* There is rampant systematic and systemic corruption in all sectors of government;
* PNG has an oversize and underperforming public service that continues to chase its own tail and not performing its mandated duties;
* There is next to nothing from slush funds handed out to MPs for the last 20 years or so; and
* The menu goes on and on.
We have been told that Vision 2050 is aimed at correcting most of the discrepancies highlighted above.
But the Medium Term Development Strategy was formulated to do just that and to date what has it achieved?
Call me a doubting Thomas, but until the well pampered fat cats at Waigani get their hands dirty (by being personally involved in service delivery), Vision 2050 will remain just that – a vision.


Felix Mam
Via email