We are simply poor at managing ourselves

Letters, Normal

The National, Friday 13th July, 2012

IT is very disheartening to learn that election officials are demanding for their allowances after they have completed their duties.
Some have even gone to the extent of withholding results until they are paid, while others have resorted to other means.
What is happening in this country?
It is not only about this allowance issue but many others.
Is it the type of system we have in place that is cau­sing the hiccups or is it the people managing it ineffective?
The general election is the most talked-about is­sue and one that would le­gitimise the illegal re­gime and mishaps, if any, in the past 10 months of court-riddled government.
All focus is on running the elections and payment to election officials  should not be an issue at all.
Why are they knocking on the Electoral Commission’s door for their al­lowances after taking the risks of running the election?
We can blow our trumpets about what we can do.
But if we cannot deliver as and when required, then it simply portrays our inability to adhere to set rules and guidelines.
I  believe we are simply not good at managing ourselves when it matters most and often end up ha­ving to  manage crises.

Via email