Weather may trigger flu and cold

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CHANGING weather is likely to see an outbreak of contagious viral infections such as flu and common cold, National Capital District health coordinator Peter Painakali says. He said winds and rain accompanied by fluctuating temperatures were likely to affect children quickly.
Cold and flu may bring coughing, headache, chest discomfort and congestion.
His advice to people, especially children, is to avoid sweet ice-blocks and exposure to cold when wet.
“They should keep themselves warm as much as possible,” he said.
Painakali said if people were affected, they, should take a lot of fluids like water and warm juice.
“It is a viral flu and will goes away if taken care of but if it continues, seek medical advice at the nearest clinic,” he said.
Meanwhile, Painakali said small clinical facilities in NCD that were closed during the festive season were now open.
He said they started normal operations on Wednesday.
These included the 9-Mile, Morata, Pari, Vabukori and St Theresa clinics at Hohola.