Well done, Poponawa

Letters, Normal

I WOULD like to thank Tambul-Nebilyer MP and Vice-Minister for Finance and Treasury Benjamin Poponawa for delivering basic services.
It’s been a long time since we get to see some development taking place in the electorate.
Past MPs went to Waigani when we gave them the mandate.
Unfortunately, they got lost along the corridors and failed to deliver anything.
The people back home, meanwhile, were made to suffer as infrastructure started to deteriorate.
Although Mr Poponawa has been in office for two years, he has brought many changes and the people can see tangible development taking place.
The basic services he delivered thus far will improve the lives of the people.
The latest was the opening of the district treasury office early this month and the people are very proud of him.Thank you, Mr Poponawa, keep up the good work.

