Western Highlanders are reckless drivers

Letters, Normal

I WANT to share with readers some of my observations about PMV drivers.
I find most PMV drivers from Western Highlands tend to drive their buses very fast.
To these people, there are no such things as sharp corners, potholes, one-lane bridges or two-lane roads.
They treat the road like a race track and the faster they can hit from 0-100kph, the better it would be.
For those staying in Port Moresby, you cannot miss them as they jump queue, cut into your lane and sometimes, even reverse their vehicle so they can drive on the kerb just to get in front of the line.
For those travelling from Mt Hagen to Lae, your life hangs on a thread if you were to board a bus driven by a Western Highlander.
Is it any wonder why we have a high rate of accident?
Last year, I got out of one such speed machine at Wata rise with my family (three children and my wife) and boarded another PMV operated by an Eastern Highlander to Lae.
What a difference the drive was.
It was pleasant and we enjoyed our trip to Lae thanks to the driver who put safety of his passengers first.
Since then, I always make sure to check on the drivers before boarding PMV buses.
One thing I noticed is that most Western Highlands drivers have outstanding loans with commercial banks.
Because of that, they tend to do as many trips as possible to settle the loans quickly.
But I must also stress that not all Western Highlands drivers are reckless as there are some good ones too.


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