
THE drain from Lae Abattoir Bridge and Papindo Birdwing housing area to AOG Okari campus in Lae, Morobe, is always filled with rubbish.
During rainy days this drain gets flooded and all the rubbish is swept away to the Bumbu River and ends up in the ocean.
Awareness is needed for people to properly dispose their rubbish.
Such act of carelessness leads to bigger problems.

One thought on “WITNESS

  • I have witnessed the rubbish and its true. Even working class and every works of life. We have attitude problem. Just imagine if you throw rubbish around like this shows that you are not capable to live in a decent house or look after your home. So much talk about climate change and yet its falling on deaf ears with no care attitude. People neglect putting rubbish in more appropriate way. Most rubbish are from residence not having garbage bin in their perimeter and dumped rubbish in the drain. How do you feel when you are littering the place. Might as well go back home and live a simple life in the village and throw rubbish around your home or place you living in. Can the the City Authority visit every residence that they comply with garbage collection.

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