Women not feeling safe


WHY can’t we, women, just carry our bags/bilum on our shoulders and walk out of our homes or offices without worrying about who is behind us or walking towards us?
Even a female driver on the road has to be alert all the time.
It is a scary scenario we have today. Are our daughters going to experience the same in 10-20 years’ time?
Would this sick trend have improved by then or would it be worst off?
The spotlight is once again on women and all forms of violence against women.
While there are varying degrees of abuse that women suffer in their homes and the workplace, it goes without saying that women find themselves threatened in every corner of the world.

Worried mum


  • Women was the first to be deceived by the devil, women should be the first to confess unto the LORD for what first women namely EVE did so that you can receive your salvation through Jesus than to the Husband, then the Family Tribe, community, Province & the nation & down the line. Don’t blame others, blame is within, this time is not for pointing figures, time to confess, draw near to God, the Lord will draw near you..there is something that is missing to fix the problem…

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