Workers need training


I AGREE with the president of PNG Human Resource Institute Jerry Wemin on the call to train workers.
As a job seeker, I am concerned because employment opportunity is scarce due to the slow recovery of PNG’s economy.
But this won’t be a barrier as we are in the 21st Century.
There’s avenues we can tap into sustain our livelihood.
When retirement age strikes or after 20 years with the public sector, it is time to relax and enjoy the hard earnings saved.
The importance of retiring at the early stage is that one is equipped with enough experience; financially stable; established network; still physically and mentally fit; and avoid early corrupt infections
In fact, the current government emphasis on small-to-medium enterprises is the way forward to achieve the goals of the Vision 2050 pillar of wealth creation.
The avenue is through SME.
The government should integrate a module into the public sector training and development programme to focus on.
The only way to change our economic landscape is to make use of such avenue (SME), through registering a company with Investment Promotion Authority and getting recognised by Internal Revenue Commission.
This will expand the government tax base.

Macmillan Sinton Pala
Portion 1430