Workers undergo safety training


SAFETY at workplace is underpinned by training to ensure the workforce has the right knowledge and skills to respond efficiently and effectively to potential onsite emergencies, including fires, according to ExxonMobil.
Thirteen Papua New Guinean operations technicians from ExxonMobil travelled to Esso Australia’s Longford fire training ground, in Gippsland, Victoria, to learn best-practice emergency response preparedness.
Esso Australia is an affiliate of the ExxonMobil Corporation with more than 50 years of operations in Australia.
The four-day training covered both theory and practical exercises in firefighting and confined space entry, giving technician’s insight into the key differences of hydrocarbon fires, which are fuelled by oil and gas compounds.
Hides gas conditioning plant operations supervisor Jay Lavapo said the group appreciated the opportunity to build their skills at a world-class training facility.
“It’s imperative that our teams are prepared with the latest training procedures,” he said.
“This opportunity gave our technicians hands-on experience at tackling rigorous drill measures, testing their critical skills in a purpose-built facility, like the one at ExxonMobil’s Longford facility.”
Training was coordinated by ExxonMobil PNG and their Australian colleagues as practical hydrocarbon firefighting training was not available in Papua New Guinea.
The ability to respond swiftly to emergencies is a critical aspect of ExxonMobil’s business.
Emergency response training, drills and competency verification ensures those working at PNG LNG sites understand and are familiar with their roles and responsibilities in an emergency.