Worried for PNG


I am alarmed and the nation must be also because there is something going on and rising, that is showing in adults who are losing their sense of being a human being and behaving like animals.
And with the hardship the nation is facing for families to put bread on the table, children are at times left in trusted homes, within the confines of their rights, to enjoy being children, and grow up happily into the next generation.
However, what is happening now, needs to be stopped.
What is going on? How or why are our thriving adults losing their minds to commit such crimes?
Why are we raping our own children? Why are State or moral or cultural or Christian laws not respected?
Why is it not scary anymore to break the taboos?
Is it because laws are not touch enough? Is it because too much bad influence is corrupting the minds and behaviours of our population, in particular those who are committing these offences? Or is it because our young people are leaving the church?
We need to act now. The State, partner agencies, church groups, community leaders and international bodies should find a way to address this horrible crime?

Concerned citizen and parent