Yandera landowners form association

Letters, Normal

I WRITE to thank the provincial mines director John Bivi, the MRA and Marengo, the developer of the mining project, for facilitating the formation of its first Yandera Landowners Association while the Yandera project itself is going through its pre-stages prior to commissioning.
It is good to see Mr Bivi and MRA leading the way in organising the landowners for the project.
By involving the Electoral Commission it adds credibility to the election process of the executives.
It is good to organise landowner association in the first instance, prior to addressing other issues that the project will encounter.
This will enable landowners to prepare themselves to participate in the mining development process.
It is good to see MRA and the Department of Mining maintaining its policy of “first thing first” prior to developing the project.
It must be one landowner association as it is a single mining project.
It is also good to see the method and the concept the MRA applied for its landowners’ social mapping and landowner genealogy study and its landowner identification which ensures that rightful landowners and their leaders are identified.
This tradition will be maintained throughout the project life span in any mining project.


Jeffrey Puge,
Ialibu, SHP