Yopyyopy had time for everyone


AS an officer in the Ministry of Education, I have observed that the former Education minister Joseph Yopyyopy really touched the heart of almost all staff in the ministry.
He was humble and had an “open door” policy.
He would have time, not only for the Education secretary and the Teaching Service commissioners, but for any other staff as well.
His door was open to anyone including the tea boy.
Anyone who wanted to see the minister would not require any prior approval from the Education secretary’s office.
He was selfless.
His heart was for all, not only for his people in his electorate of Wosera-Gawi in East Sepik.
He never pushed for an upgrade of existing primary schools in his district to become high schools.
He never pushed for existing high schools for Wosera-Gawi to become technical agricultural colleges.
He is a real Papua New Guinean and loved by many in the ministry.
