Young people challenged to promote Christian values, be good role models


REVEREND Lucas Kedabing, the assistant head bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, has challenged young people to promote Christian values.
“Our challenge today as youths is to be good role models and be strong Christians among our peers, and in our working environment.
“Our challenge as Christians today is to emulate our forefathers who have done good to make us enjoy freedom as an independent nation. We must also demonstrate positive values and do good things to make a better future for our generations. All values come from Christ.”
He said the country faced a lack of moral and ethical values among people.
“Social values are lacking. Our prisons are overcrowded, marriages are broken, and families torn apart.
“People are swearing openly in public. There is drunkenness and people abusing drugs. Boundaries for doing right things and respecting other persons have gone.
“There is no more respect. People are not respecting the church, public properties and other people.”
He said all these did not reflect what was written in the Constitution proclaiming PNG as a Christian country. Kedabing delivered the Independence sermon at the Bethel Lutheran church at West Taraka in Lae on Sunday.