Youths receive study Bibles


SEVENTH-day Adventist youth leaders from the Highlands region returned home on Tuesday with more than 10,000 World Changers Bibles after a one-week youth camp in Imbonggu, Southern Highlands.
Youths from Jiwaka, Western Highlands, Enga, Hela and Southern Highlands took part in the camp.
South Pacific division youth director Dr Nick Kross, who was the guest speaker, trained the youth leaders on how best they could use the bibles to win souls and change the minds of youths.
During the launch of the second edition World Changers Bible on Monday, Kross said he was giving out bibles with a commitment to change the world.
“Youth leaders in the Seventh Day Adventist church play a huge role to share their faith with their friends and by giving the bible, it is like giving ownership to them to share their faith,” he said.
“There are dozens of youths that come from broken families and are lost, do not participate in church activities and need help spiritually.”
“These youths have been trained to go out and share their faith and win those souls.”
Kross said the bibles included 13 pages of discipleship training material and came with a set of 29 bible study book marks which provided outlines for sharing the Adventist’s fundamental beliefs customised to the World Changers bible.
Western Highlands mission youth director Ps Timothy Michael said the bibles would be distributed to the youth leaders and would be taken back to the churches.
The Adventist church is expecting to baptise about 3,000 people next year during an Adventist evangelism.