Lupari: Social media vital to country

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SOCIAL media is a tool for national development and can be an avenue to improve government policies and enhance accountability, Chief Secretary Isaac Lupari says.
Lupari told participants at the opening of the Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre workshop that the medium had been abused by individuals.
He said the Government was obligated to protect the rights of citizens if abused through social media.
“Social media has become a big industry because of the access to mobile phones and computers,” Lupari said.
“It is a good tool and must be used in a positive way to contribute to the development of this country.
“It must not be abused.
“What we are seeing in this country is so much negativity that has been displayed on social media.
“I think this is where the Government has to protect the rights of individuals.
“I don’t mind when those in the Government get criticised as we should.
“Social media should be making me accountable, leaders and decision makers accountable for the way in which we manage the country, its resources and decisions that are made.
“If anybody criticises me about government policies, that is fine, but that person does not have the right to personally attack me as that is wrong and in violation of the constitution.
“That is where the Government comes in to protect the rights of individuals.
“Social media must be used in the right purpose that is to allow for debate, but to also contribute meaningfully to the development of our country.”