police promotion a concern


There have been too many criticisms about conduct of policemen in the country being published in the media in recent times.
This publicity reflects bad management at the senior management level: From the two deputies down to assistant commissioners, directors and provincial police commanders.
Those placed in these positions are senior experience officers and are on contract.
Contractual employment benefits should equate with their professional skills.
Can this management team interpret Government’s medium term development plans and the Vision 2050 plan?
The police five-year corporate plan is integrated into national Government development plans.
Senior officers must be academically qualified with management knowledge to implement government policies.
Experience alone is inadequate to qualify for senior management positions.
A clear bad executive management decision was made for mass promotion in 2015.
This decision has resulted in the following:

  • Junior officers jumped ranks and are now placed in senior management positions;
  • Some undisciplined officers who did not meet selection criteria were promoted to senior ranks;
  • Most experienced and academically-qualified officers were ignored. These officers are withdrawing their professional skills from the police service;
  • Those junior officers who jumped ranks are now appointed as provincial police commanders. What a joke made by the executive management.

The Police Department needs professionals with academic qualifications to push the
force forward into the 21st century.
I would appreciate if Enga Governor Sir Peter Ipatas’ can review the Australian Enhancement Cooperation Programme to improve policing in the constabulary.
