Column 1

Column 1

SHP seat
So much interest and attention on the SHP Governor’s seat, the subject of a court-ordered recount eight months from the next general election. Potential candidates are already circling the prey, so to speak.
More funds
Someone pointed out some time ago that remote districts deserve a bigger share of public funding because it’s more expensive to provide services there. Makes sense.
No jab, no heaven
Someone posted this cartoon about the essence of the no-jab-no-enter rule which seems to apply everywhere – even at the pearly gate.
Your ex
One thing you must not do in a relationship is to talk about your ex-partner. It can ruin everything. Be warned.
Cute reply
Teacher telling her class to avoid bad habits such as stealing asked them what they would call her if she took money out of a man’s wallet. Master Six curtly replied: “Wife”.
Food for thought
Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.
Top quote
“The Fund understands the importance of tax to fund services and infrastructure. But if superannuation has a lower tax burden, members will have more retirement money to support them when they are no longer working.” – Nambawan Super chief executive officer Paul Sayer.

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