Pr Issac Joseph is another Hami Yawari

Letters, Main Stories

ON Dec 27, I was travellinghome to Lai Valley, outhern Highlands rovince. I was waiting for PMV at Mendi to travel ome and in the afternoonone PMV came and I gt n to go home. ll this time I was working ut of the province so Idid not know about the oad condition. It was really errible, full of potholes, umpy and my pregnant ife almost gave birth nside the PMV. I heard hat MPs get a lot of money n district support grants tofix infrastructure like oads. he next day, the local endi MP Pr Issac Joseph ame to my village, not by oad but in a helicopter, forobvious reason, to handout some petty cash. But I ee no evidence of mprovement in services n the valley despite the istribution of huge cashhandouts in all corners. Iteminded me of the former outhern Highlands governor ami Yawari who sed to give out cash payments f hundreds of thousands f kina wherever he ravelled in the province. see the need for maintenances n the existing oads, schools and medical eeds more important hat dishing out cash hich will be spent on eer, betelnuts and cigarettes nd be depleted the ame day. How about omorrow, pastor? I am not politician and I do not ant to be one and have no lans to support one in the oming elections because of heir failure to provide asic services to the very eople who have voted hem to Parliament. am not coming home to lay your dirty Mendi politics ut I hope you take ote of my concern to correct you. 

  Ipmuna Naik,via email