Applying international best practices


INDONESIA cannot handle the West Papuan conflict due to the absence of a roadmap that works by application of international best practice.
It is an absolute hypocrisy for Indonesia to speak for Palestine.
The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) issued a statement following an open debate at the United Nations Security Council on Jan 23 this year. Redno Marsudi, as minister for foreign affairs, conveyed the Indonesian government’s view that in order for a permanent ceasefire to be implemented, Palestine must be considered as a full member of the UN.
However, ULMWP said both the Indonesian president, Joko Widodo, and minister Marsudi misled the international community.
Widodo immediately reinforced the current position of Indonesia on Jan 26.
Indonesian policymakers were so preoccupied with offering insights on how to deal with the Israeli-Palestinian issue, indicating that they have a democratic solution for handling such conflicts. However, history speaks rather differently.
While it goes out to provide tips to others, it has failed to solve its own independence issue with its most restive region of West Papua using international best practices.
Indonesia talks about ceasefire in Gaza but, at the same time, it is carrying out military operations in West Papua. It talks about stopping weapons going to Israel and, yet, it is bringing in weapons to kill West Papuans.
It talks about full Palestinian membership in the UN but, yet, it aggressively prevents ULMWP to apply for full membership status in the Melanesian Spearhead Group.
In reality, Indonesia is drowning in a sea of contradictions.

Port Numbay