40 learn skills in business

Business, Normal

The National, Mondy 14th November 2011

FORTY men and women from the National Capital District graduated last Friday from a two-week business training programme.
Called “start and improve your business” (SIYB), the training was funded by NCD Governor Powes Parkop and facilitated by Small Business Development Corp (SBDC).
It was a two-phase training module where the first part was a guide on planning and starting a business.
The second part covered topics on business management training and improving business.
SBDC business training development manager Peter Piawu said SIYB was an initiative of International Labour Organisation and had been around for the past 10 years.
In this programme, SBDC partnered with other organisations in facilitating the training process.
He said this was the second batch of people who undertook the training conducted by three facilitators.
Eight-Mile youth president Lucas Kita, who operated his own cabbage plots and poultry project, thanked the training facilitators for imparting to him business skills and knowledge to run his small project.
He said he has acquired many business skills such as pricing and cash flow that would have cost him money and many years in school.
Kita said he now had a business plan in place  but he needed funding.
and would like to seek financial assistance for his small project.
Speaking at the graduation, NCD Youth desk manager Rex Puka encouraged the participants to put into practise the skills and knowledge acquired.
“You have wasted nothing to learn these things so make use of what you’re taught and make it happen,” he said.