48 killed in Enga violence

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CONTINUING fights throughout Enga have left 48 persons dead, according to police commissioner David Manning.
Manning announced on Monday that two of the Enga- based police mobile squads were involved in restoring law and order in the Porgera and Laiagam.
Fights have extended to many parts of the province, resulting in Governor Sir Peter Ipatas declaring a lockdown and the introduction of a curfew.
In a statement, Manning said: “A fight in Kandep has already left 22 killed. Other fighting in Laiagam resulted in the killing of six people, plus 20 in Wapenamanda.
“We are facing serious law and order situation in the province and engaging security personnel and applying strategies to stop those fights from escalating.
“Our presence in the province is to prevent further deaths and destruction to property.
“This includes active involvement of provincial and national leaders to take responsibility.
“They have mandate to be positive influencers of law and order.”
Manning added that police had also arrested the main suspect in the shooting of a helicopter hired by police during the 2022 General Election in Kompiam . He identified the suspect as Peter Yakos, who had been sought by police over the killings and the burning of the Kompiam Station.
Manning said Yakos was charged with five counts of wilful murder and one count of arson.
He said new information had revealed that some provincial and national politicians were involved in the terror-related incidents.