‘70pc without housing’

Kobby Bomareo

ABOUT 70 per cent of public servants who work in rural areas are not provided proper housing or any housing at all, says Housing Minister Dr Kobby Bomareo.
Bomareo said one of his main tasks was to ensure housing for public servants working in rural areas.
“We would encourage government policy and ensure that houses are built for them,” he added.
Bomareo said it was disappointing to see a nurse who paid a housing advance getting poor housing.
“Things like this could be one reason public servants keep complaining about the tax they pay to the Government which needs to be addressed,” he said.
Bomareo said he had discussed the matter with the managing director of the National Housing Corporation.
“A five-year money plan will be made available,” he said.
“The plan should outline how much the corporation raises from housing advances paid by public servants.”
Bomareo said for the department to achieve its projects, it was important to change how it had been operating.