Elect right leaders to boost development, growth

The National,Tuesday June 14th, 2016

THE job of managing is getting harder in Papua New Guinea
The challenges of 21st century leadership and management include working in an environment of constant change and the increasing complexity of organisational structures.
Managers and leaders must also deal with a tough economic climate and growing international competition. New technologies and the rise of social media, greater transparency, rising consumer demands and environmental resource concerns all add to a potent and complex mix of challenges .
The ways in which an organisation or government meets these challenges can mean the difference between business success and failure.
All citizens are urged to choose leaders wisely through the democratic process of voting.
It is critical for our survival as a people and country and so we must make it our responsibility to educate our families, communities, tribes, clans including our district’s and provinces to fully utilise the democratic process of voting without fear or favour.
Let’s make use of the opportunity in the 2017 general elections.

Andrew Hama,
2 Mile Hill, NCD

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