Police work rises as public make good use of hotline


MORE incidents and crimes have been reported to Lae police since their emergency toll-free number became available.
Lae Metropolitan Superintendant Anthony Wagambie Jr, said yesterday  that more crime-related reports have reached police after their emergency toll-free number was introduced in May.
“The emergency toll-free number has been working wonders for Lae police. Residents in Lae easily communicate with police and more crime-related details are reported to police than previously,” he said.
According to police reports, criminal activities in Lae have dropped dramatically after the city police re-strategised to create a response unit for each sector and set up an emergency telephone number.
“I have stressed to all police personnel that every call and every complaint is important. There is no difference or categorising of the level of complaint. What used to be categorised in the past as a minor complaint is now taken seriously and will be attended to.”
He said the toll-free emergency number has been very popular, effective and useful to both the public and police.
Wagambie said that police workload have increased recently as more people have been calling them daily and police hjave been trying their best to attend to every call.
Lae Police are now also using WhatsApp, in partnership with Digicel PNG, to give memnbers of the public another tool to help fight crime.