Call for leaders to support rice development in Markham


A RICE technical field officer with Trukai Industries is calling on the Morobe governor and Markham MP Koni Iguan to help with rice development in Markham.
Tom Bogen is currently looking after rice projects in the villages of Siriwaran, Wafi Bambun and Waut.
He uses solar-powered mill to process rice from the villages.
“I have power dealers, micro mill, thrasher, pump and mass blower to spray insects on the field and I’m thinking of registering the three villages’ rice projects with Trukai Industries,” Bogen said.
“Currently the villages have one hectare of rice each and we are planning to increase that to five hectares per village.
“We need more support to do that. Trukai had been supplying seedlings to us for free and we are so thankful for that.”
He said the three villages had harvested 1. 5 tonnes and 2.5 tons respectively.
Bogen said they milled and sold their rice in the village.
“Markham MP must support the district in rice projects. We have experienced people to lead the rice projects in the district but we just need some force to drive us through,” he said.