Hagen Open funds not for WHP’s use

Letters, Normal

I REFER to your report about the launch of the Hagen central district’s five-year development plan” (Nov 2) by the Member for Hagen Open and Minister for Petroleum and Energy William Duma.
As a concerned citizen of Hagen central district, I want to know why the district funds were used to buy six police vehicles for WHP.
How will the people of Hagen central benefit from this?
Why is the MP so concerned about the police affair when it is the national and provincial governments’ responsibility?
Is Mr Duma representing the people of Hagen central or people of Western Highlands? 
Hagen central district funds are meant to serve the people in the electorate.
We want to see the funds being used for the following:
* Upgrading rundown schools immediately;
* Build classrooms to increase Grade Nine intake in our three secondary schools;
* Build better classrooms for elementary education;
* Fight HIV/AIDS as it is spreading like wild fire in Hagen central; 
* Upgrade district health centres and aid posts. Mt Hagen General Hospital is a provincial referral hospital and the people are being served; and
* Provide electricity and clean water are they are essential for the people.
Our district funds must be used to develop our district as we do not want to lose out again.


Rural kange
Mt Hagen