Authorities doing great


I COMMEND Chief Migration Officer Stanis Hulahau, Labour and Industrial officers and Customs and police officers for their tireless effort of cracking down on foreigners who break our laws.
The recent apprehension of foreigners working as tellers, a job reserved for our citizens and others for reselling cooked food should be commended.
A lot of foreigners hardly speak English and Tok Pisin, which is a requirement to conduct business in the country.
The random checks on foreign-owned businesses should be commended.
This should be continued to ensure our laws are respected by foreigners.
Employ more officers to do the same in other centres.
Such random checks will help reduce these practices.
Please check food outlets at Port Moresby’s 6-Mile, Gordon, Gerehu, Waigani, Manu, Koki and 4-Mile.
Deport foreigners who are found guilty of breaking our laws.

Concerned Citizen,