Micah: Port project will bring benefits


The Nationl, Monday 10th September, 2012

MINISTER for Public Enterprise and State Investments Ben Micah and Vice-Minister Johnson Tuke last Thursday inspected progress of the expansion of Lae port and construction of new Lae tidal basin project.
After their tour of the Lae port expansion carried out by Nawae Construction and the Lae tidal basin project carried out by China Harbour Engineering Corporation, they praised work so far.
Micah said the two projects, which will see the Lae port converted into the biggest port in the South Pacific region, would create more employment and business opportunities for Lae residents and business houses.
“I am satisfied, firstly we have resolved our outstanding issues which have delayed the expansion of the port terminal for a little bit more than three years.
“I would like to congratulate the management of PNG Ports and Independent Public Business Corporation and contractor Nawae Construction for reaching an agreement to resolve outstanding issues,” he said.
The ministerial delegation was given a presentation by the China Harbour Engineering Corporation.
“This ambitious project I believe will be completed on schedule because of the capability of this company that has been proven itself in China and elsewhere in the world and I am very satisfied,” Micah said.
“These are critical infrastructure projects that will have a huge beneficial impact on Lae and the Momase and Highlands regions.
“They will bring new jobs and wealth-creation opportunities for local people right across the region.
“Prime Minister Peter O’Neill promised in his address to the nation that one of his priorities was the repair and maintenance of infrastructure, and the creation of new infrastructure to spur economic development,” he said.
“I am here to make sure that we deliver, and I will do everything in my power as minister to make sure that these projects are completed as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.”