A change we can do with

Editorial, Normal

THE ideas of men are revolutionary. Their actions reflect their thinking. They want to create change out of the chaos of violence.
The warrior spirit possess them from time to time and with sword and gun in their hands, blood lust surging through their veins and conquest filling the space between their ears, they march off to the battle fields to kill or be killed.
They do it, men always claim, to defend their women, their children, their lands, their king or queen and their gods, never mind the fact that – excepting the royals who are themselves often warmongering – women, children, lands and gods never utter a word in support of men’s counsel.
It is not always on the battlefield that this psychology is exhibited. In everyday life at home, at work and on the playing fields, men’s aggressive nature tumbles out often with disastrous consequences.
And since man is head of the house and in charge of most other activity in our world, you can rest assured that violence will never be too far away. It rarely is.
Now, it is a different proposition where the woman is concerned. Her ideas are evolutionary and her actions likewise reflect her thinking. She is more patient. She has the experience for it. She can carry a child in her body for nine months while loving it (in most instances) every bit of the way, even when she know it is responsible for the most foul morning sickness and for the disfiguration of her lovely female features. She goes through excruciating pain at labour and immediately the infant is born, reaches out for it with a kind of love and tenderness a man would never know.
The woman’s approach to her duties at home, office and in every other chore is for gradual development as opposed to sudden violent change.
The world of women and men requires the occasional revolution such as when a volcano erupts but is itself in evolutionary flow.  All things from molecules to galaxies develop gradually  – even if it took an initial big bang to begin the process.
Men’s temperament rudely interrupts this evolutionary flow. He has done this with such arrogance and impudence that the evolutionary flow of nature has been crudely and perhaps irreversibly altered on earth for which he and all living things might pay with their lives.
The woman’s softer mien is in tune with the way of nature.
As with the Yin-Yang principle expressed in Chinese philosophy, there needs to be a balance, a harmony between the softness of the woman and the hardness of the man, between the aggressive, revolutionary stance of the male and the patient evolutionary ways of the female.
This concept of unity in duality is enshrined in a way in the “unity in diversity” motto PNG adopted at Independence, which itself was borrowed from Indonesia’s “Bhinneka tunggal ika” (unity in diversity).
In the bigger picture of a nation in transition on the development plane, such is the balance the people of this nation must strive to see and establish.
Up to now, it has all been a man’s affair. And it seems not to have worked.
In traditional societies, the woman’s role, however, silent was always appreciated. The man advanced to the platform to give his oration in the knowledge that his wife or wives had supplied him a wealth in pigs and foodstuff.
Others saw his “wealth” and appreciated immediately who was responsible for it. The elevation of the man also elevated his wife or wives.
Not so in the modern world. The man becomes a politician and the woman has virtually disappeared from the scene completely. And this has been PNG’s problem. There has been too much of the aggressive, violent, revolutionary, greedy nature of the man and so little of the woman in PNG’s national life.
More is the case to support the move to pass legislation to have 22 exclusive seats for women in Parliament. Similar legislation ought to also be presented right across the political spectrum to have women representation at provincial and local level governments.
Only with more women in management positions will we see a reversal of the kind of greed and corruption that has hit this country like a storm. We are more likely to see policies emerge which put the family at the centre and push for more sharing and caring attitudes.
What a change that would make.