A good move by Stop N Shop

Letters, Normal

I WOULD like to take this opportunity to commend CPL, through its subsidiary Stop N Shop, for taking a bold step to promote our local fresh produce, especially from Mt Hagen.
I have often wondered who would take the first step to promote our local fruits and vegetables around the country in such magnitude. 
Mt Hagen and Goroka produce some or if not all the best fruits and vegetables in the country. 
There may be other places which produce local fresh produce but they need exposure and access.
Stop N Shop must be commended because we can expect a drop in prices for these items as they are sourced locally, making them fresher than even those imported from overseas.
As such, local farmers must take this opportunity to increase their production as they now have a ready market.
I call on the WHP governor to engage agriculture experts to help our rural people to grow the best fruits and vegetables.
Local MPs must grab this opportunity to encourage their people plant vegetables and fruits as there is now a ready market.


Arawa Paia
Port Moresby