A poor decision by ABG

Letters, Normal

The National, Tuesday 30th October, 2012

MANY Bougainvilleans are unhappy with the de­cision of the Auto­no-mous Bougainville Go­vernment (ABG) to invite investors from China to the region.
The main reason for their disapproval is due to the bad experience in othe­r parts of the region and country.
The arrangement was for the Chinese investors
to operate and form partnerships with Bougain­villeans.
This paved the way for the first wholesale store
to be set up in Buin and where things were sold
to customers in bulk only.
Customers were so ex­cited that they poured in from the whole of South Bougainville.
However, the excitement did not last long when they realised the items were imitation.
Aren’t there other in­ves­tors? 
It would be better to invit­e reputable and reliable investors such as the Ja­panese.

Fidelis C. Lugabai