A Sabbath by any other name?


A WEEK ago, one writer commenting on the day of worship said 10 days were either added or subtracted to thwart the real Sabbath.
When you calculate that, add or subtract, to find the real Sabbath that God created, it falls on either Monday or Thursday.
If you are serious about keeping the Sabbath holy, then choose one of those days.
If you do that then you will not sin, but if you want everyone to keep the man-made Saturday, then all Seventh-day Adventists are bound to sin.
By the way, to those born-again Christians, the creator himself said that he is the Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12).
And the Apostle Paul said to let no one question you, even
about the Sabbath or circumcision.
The blood of Christ has made us new, not the law.
The blood of Christ Jesus writes the law in my heart

Werepa Pone